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How to Guide to Growing Vegetables

by Lynn R. Louis

Pages 8 and 9 of 16

1. Choose the right location
Choosing a location in order to grow vegetables is very important. Sun exposure is a number one need for the vegetables. In order for these vegetables to grow, they need at least 6 hours of sunlight daily. Some vegetables can grow directly in a garden and some do not. This is because of the seeds each vegetable has and how extinct they are from one another. Some vegetables have sensitive root-systems which are sometimes messed up in the process of transplanting. Some examples of vegetables that grow directly in a garden are carrots, peas, green beans, etc. Some examples of vegetables that do not grow directly in a garden are onions, cucumbers, pumpkins, etc.
2. Select your veggies
Being precise with picking out veggies is key. You want to pick out the right vegetables for the time you are planning to plant them. For instance, if the climate is cold then it would not be good to grow broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, radishes etc. If there is a warm or hot climate, then that would be the perfect time to grow these types of vegetables.