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The Owls Autumn 1

by Julie Rivers

Pages 2 and 3 of 8

The Owls 2020-21
Welcome back! It is so lovely to have your wonderful children back in school again! They have had an incredible start and have adapted well to the new changes that have had to take place.😊
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We will be continuing with The White Rose Maths scheme to support the children's learning and develop their mathematical reasoning. The focus for this half term will be on place value and number.
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The whole school will be starting the term with the book titled 'Here we are' by Oliver Jeffers. This book explores our planet and how we live on it with a focus on kindness. The Year 3 writing objectives will be taught through this book.

The children will be having whole class reading sessions three times a week where we will focus on: vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarising. As books are not allowed home at the moment, we will be allowing them to take a library book home to share with you on a Monday. The books need to be returned on a Thursday so that they can be quarantined for 72 hours before being put back on the shelves. Please continue to share reading books you have at home with your child.
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PE will be on a Wednesday and a Friday. Your child will be expected to come to school in their PE kits on these days. Please make sure they wear jogging bottoms and sweatshirts if the weather is chilly! PE will be taught by Miss Hazleton and Miss Sterling.
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Art will be linked to our topic. The children will
be making Egyptian pots and decorating them
with their own designs based on Egyptian patterns.
Please can you make sure they have an old art shirt in school clearly labelled with their names.
Please click on the links to access the Knowledge Organiser and the list of the Year 3 words. The children will be expected to know how to spell these by the end of the year!

Homework will be set on a Friday and will need to be handed in on the following Friday. The children will receive weekly spellings which will be uploaded to the Google Classroom on a Friday. They will be tested the following Friday. There will be a choice of mild, spicy or hot tasks. Please also continue to share books of different kinds with your child and practise their times tables.

The children will be expected to follow the
'Shotley Bees':
Be safe
Be kind
Be respectful
Be responsible
We will continue to use our traffic light system to encourage good behaviours. Please discuss the 'Shotley Bees' with your child at home.
I hope the information has been of some use to you! If there is anything I've missed out, please do not hesitate to get in touch!
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