Book Creator

Autumn 1

by Daniel Sayer


Class 4
Autumn Term
The Everywhere Bear was our first story to look at. He was a special bear who went on many adventures with the children in his class. One day, he falls from a boy's backpack and goes on an adventure! Thankfully on his journey he finds his way back to his school.
The children have thoroughly enjoyed this story. They have been developing their writing skills by writing interesting captions about the bear.
We have been looking at our second book this term - Owls and Owlets. We have been learning about interesting facts about owls and learnt some interesting words such as egg tooth, pellets, hatching and nocturnal.
The children have been writing intriguing facts about owls.
7 + 3 = 10
5 + 5 = 10
6 + 4 = 10
We have been doing lots of counting! We have been counting up to 100 in 1's, 5's and 10's. The children have been focussing on number bonds to 10 and have developed their knowledge by showing how 10 can be made in different ways. We explored 2d shapes and used straws to make different types of triangles.
We have been exploring the different functions on a beebot such as forwards, backward, left, right, clear and Go! The children predicted the directions the beebot would go before inputting the directions. The children also pretended to be beebots and directed each other. This was great fun!
Net and Wall Game Skills
We have been practising striking a large ball using the palm of our hand. We have focussed on being in "the ready position" so that we can catch the ball.
We have lots of fun developing our skills and knowledge in PE. We have been learning how to get into a ready position to catch a ball and to remember to have our hands in a "W" position to help us catch.