Book Creator

A school of our own

by École élémentaire de Joppet - Lycée Monge

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by the pupils in CM1/CM2 B and 2°3-5
Cet album a été créé par les élèves de CM1/CM2 B de l'école élémentaire de Joppet et par les élèves de Seconde du lycée Monge, à Chambéry.

S'inspirant du rafraîchissant album "A world of your own" de Laura Carlin (éd. Phaidon), les élèves ont laissé libre cours à leur imagination pour créer "A school of their own"... sur le papier ! Ils sont d'abord partis de leur vécu et de leurs représentations : vous pourrez les voir dans les enregistrements où ils expliquent l'école telle qu'elle existe en France, telle qu'elle leur a été expliquée par l'assistant de langue porto-ricain ou encore l'école de sorciers telle qu'ils l'ont lue dans "Harry Potter".
Sans aucune contrainte, ils ont ensuite dessiné et écrit leur école idéale, chaque groupe se chargeant d'un lieu différent : cantine, préau, salle de classe...

Voici le résultat : en page de gauche, l'école idéale des écoliers de Joppet ; en page de droite, le même lieu imaginé par les lycéens de Monge.

Bonne lecture !
The ideal classroom
Leelou, Chahinez, Océane & Razan
In our ideal classroom...
...all the tables are together.
...there is
a silent and
...there are
...there is
a private swimming pool
in the middle!
board ... !
...we can eat!
The ideal classroom
Marisol, Giulia, Imane & Hannah
Our dream classroom would be like an auditorium with 4 or 5 entrances on the different floors. Perhaps there could be some couches or armchairs for the comfort of the students.
On the floor there would be a carpet. People could walk with their slippers so that the place would always be clean. At the top there would be a sound-proof ceiling to have a better sound when we watch an video or a movie. And the walls would be grey with some pictures of famous people like Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, ...etc. And finally the board would be an interactive screen.
The ideal canteen
In our ideal canteen, all the tables, the chairs, the plates, the knives, the spoons, the forks, the napkins are sweets!

There is a jacuzzi !

It is like a restaurant. You choose the menu.
Owen, Luca & Mohamed
The perfect canteen
Our dream canteen would be a giant aquarium with two floors connected by stairs with a red carpet. The canteen would be in a giant bubble surrounded with water, fish and turtules... There would be 200 tables and a mainmachine that would bring you your meal that you would have previously ordered on digital tablets. When our dish is ready, an alarm would inform us of its arrival (like the tacos place « o dwich » in Chambéry) because
the kitchen would be underneath the dining room. The kitchen staff would be made of five-stars chefs ! There would be another restaurant for the teachers and nobody to make sur we eat very quietly. At the entrance, the staff would free us of our stuff (coats, bag...) to put them in a coatroom. Finally, in the dining room there would be a music band with handsome boys.
Marion, Marie & Chloé
The ideal corridors and stairs
In our ideal school, there is no lift, but a trampoline...
...and there are slides to go downstairs.
The doors are diamonds.
In the corridors, we can play "laser games".
There are beautiful paintings on the walls.
Johan, Arthur, Maxime & Camélia