Book Creator


by Shad Ali


What It Really Means to Be Authentic.

In the end, there's only one answer.

Authenticity is not the same as honesty, consistency, or being real.
Authenticity is acting according to one’s true self and behaving congruently with values, beliefs, motives, and personality disposition.
Authenticity is largely subjective, meaning we feel it only when our appraisal of the situation justifies the feeling.
Are you living a truly, genuinely, honestly, and fully authentic life?
There is only one correct answer to this question.
In recent years, being authentic has become a term to describe not just works of art, designer bags, or precious jewelry but people as well. Authenticity is considered an important quality and is portrayed as a requisite for a balanced and healthy life. Encouragement to be authentic has taken many forms and includes messages about overcoming our fears, being open to our vulnerabilities, and expressing our true selves freely. Evidently, many of us value authenticity and consider it a liberating force that empowers us to take a path in life consistent with who we truly are. We strive to be authentic and admire other people for being authentic. Besides, what’s the alternative? Striving to be phony? Duplicitous? Disingenuous? Fake?