Book Creator

Meat Consequences


Pages 6 and 7 of 21

Chapter 2: On which our invention is based, what it is for and what it does.


Scientific method

Question: How do we know if we are consuming contaminated meat ? 

Hypothesis: Well Usually, doctors use "food poisoning" to describe an illness that comes on quickly after eating contaminated food. People often get diarrhea or start throwing up within a few hours after being infected and our product help you 100% to know if your meat is contaminated if the expiration date is right or wrong among other things.

Experiment: This device has a metal extension that is inserted into the meat and measures its expiration, smell, hardness, if it has been in refrigeration etc ...
works on batteries. it also has a keyboard that is used to modify some data

Conclusion: Our product serves 90% of what was agreed upon, but if it works you always have to be careful with what you consume because you do not know what it may have, also look on the expiration dates and if you think they are wrong, use our product and will be more reliable.


Length: This diapositive can measure the longitude of the meat.

Weight: this dispositive detect the weight of the meat.

Texture:this dispositive can detect if the meat it has good texture to consume.

Color: This dispositive can detect if the color of the meat its natural or if it’s painted. 

Toxicity:This dispositive can measure if the meat its in process of toxicity or not. 

Shape:This dispositive can detect and its the correct portion and form of the meat.

Viscosity:This dispositive detect that if the meat its good and not viscosity. 

Mass:This dispositive measure the correct mass, that the meat usually need to have to sell.
Hardness:This dispositive can detect if the meat is blend or to hard to consume.

Temperature:This dispositive can detect if the meat is frozen or in a temperature that the meet can spoil.