Book Creator

Virtual Book Tasting

by Mrs. Darden's 7th Grade- Class 3A

Pages 4 and 5 of 14

Superman: Red Son's premise is basically if superman landed in Soviet Russia and not in Kansas. So when Superman landed in Russia in the 1930s, Joseph Stalin took him in as his own son. In the 1950s the president of the U.S. tells the American people that the soviets have a caped hero that has more power than a nuke. After that the CIA contact Lex Luthor to find a way to counter superman and comes to the conclusion is to have their own Superman. So Lex makes a Russian satellite crash down into metropolis hoping superman will come to save it and that is exactly what happens. Then cutting back to Russia there is this party between the Russians and the Amazons because the Amazons want to join soviet Russia. Also there's a lot of talk of having them joined by Superman and Wonder Woman be a couple. But then Superman realizes Rosloth (Stalin's son) is not there and goes to find him. He finds him and Rosloth tells him that he hates Superman because he took his father away and tells Superman that he killed two parents who were spreading anti Stalin propaganda right in front of their son. So after this Stalin gets sick and dies and everyone thinks Superman should be the next premier. Then Lex Luthor uses DNA on the satellite to make a clone of Superman and Superman fights the clone in England and the British government tries to nuke them and the clone sacrifices itself by flying away with the nuke and it dies. And this motivates Superman to become the premier.
Chapter 1
Genre: Superhero
By Mark Millar
Chapter 2
After that mess Brainiac invades Stalingrad and shrinks it and Superman reprograms Brainiac to help him restore the city. Then 20 years go by Superman and Wonder Woman basically just saving people and being like a couple just not in a romantic way but Wonder Woman is starting to fall in love with him. And while we are being told this by a Museum tour a voice comes over the speakers telling people that they are mindless sheep being led to the slaughter and says to run like h-e double hockey sticks. Then the whole museum blows up and other parts of the city and we realize that voice was Batman! So basically people start turning to Batman's stand against Superman. After that Batman kidnaps Rosloth and tells him that even though he killed his parents he needs to distract Superman at dinner while he kidnaps Wonder Woman to trap Superman and Rosloth agrees to do it. Batman uses the lasso of truth on Wonder Woman and takes her to an abandoned gulag and tells her to call for Superman and she does. Then Superman comes and Batman uses Red solar sun lamps that take Superman's powers away and Batman beats him up. While he's doing this Wonder Woman breaks the lasso witch makes her lose her Wonder Woman powers that makes her an average amazon and, she breaks the generator that turn off the lamps and Batman gives up and uses the bomb inside himself and comets suicide. Then Wonder Woman leaves Superman telling him She can't call him her friend any more. Then Superman starts using Brainiacs mind control technology and in slaves all criminals in the Soviet union ( Now is everywhere except the U.S) including Rosloth. The last thing you see in this chapter is Kennedy showing Lex that a ship crashed and the alien inside has a green ring and this technology will start a whole new branch of the military. You should go read the final chapter at your local comic book store.
Batman and Superman meeting for the first time
Link to Red Son movie trailer ->