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The Crystal of Yggdrasil- Project

by Rosita Darden

Pages 6 and 7 of 8

The Crystal Of Yggdrasil
This novel was really cool it was a story about a boy named Aki who had a power of reading animals minds and taming them. When Aki went with his mom to clean mr filipotis house. He touched a spear and it sent him to another dimension. He undergone many troubles threw the journey.
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The Crystal of Yggdrasil
Aki goes to Mr.Filipotti's house where he then finds out that he is heir to the superior beings. That allows Aki to travel into the parallel crystals, Aki got sent to the crystal of Yggdrasil.
While in the crystal off Yggdrasil Aki discovers a lot of mythical people from ancient norse myths like: Thor, Odin, Freyja, Loki, and Hela. While Aki is in Yggdrasil he thinks his mom is freaking out because he has been in Yggdrasil for a couple of days. When Aki receives a quest from Freyja he accepts and must travel to the most dangerous part of yggdrasil, the underworld, after completing the quest Aki continues to try and find his passage home. Once he reaches the passage he must wait for his cat Timoteo to successfully make the trip back to Earth.  

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