Book Creator


by Cami Hinrichs

Pages 4 and 5 of 37

Pretty soon, Camille and I joined in as well.
           “We did it!” Camille exclaimed. “We beat the dragon! That was so cool!”
           “Cool? That was awesome!” Justin shouted.
           “Yeah!” I chimed in, “I mean for a minute there I thought we were going to die. But we didn’t! We won the fight!”
           We all sat there for a while, talking and laughing as we reenacted parts of the scene. When we finally calmed down, we all sighed.
           “I can’t believe it. That was amazing.” Justin said as he looked over at the now setting sun. The orange and red hues bled across the sky. We all watched as the sun sank over the horizon into the realms beyond.      For that moment, everything was perfect. In that moment, nothing was wrong. But then, that moment passed, and everything changed forever.
           I sighed as I looked back at my two best friends. The ones who had been there for me my whole life. I smiled as I remembered all the adventures we’d been on.
           “Um, Lexi?” Camille asked as she looked at me with a peculiar expression.
           “What?” I answered as I cocked my head,
confused. Justin gasped from beside me.
           “Oh my gosh, Lexi are you okay?” He inquired, worried.
           “I’m fine. What are you two talking about?” I questioned. They sat there speechless for a few moments, before Camille scrambled to pull out a palm sized glass shard that we used as a mirror. She gave it to me, and I lifted it up, still confused about what they were gawking at.
           One glance was enough to make me gasp as I dropped the makeshift mirror. I breathed heavily and knelt down to pick up the glass again.
           My reflection was like nothing I’d ever seen before. I had a large gash across my face. But instead of blood, there were numbers and twitches of strange colors oozing out. I reached up and touched the wound, which made the numbers and colors spaz out, switching back and forth extremely quickly.
           Scared, I pulled my hand back. Only to reveal that it had turned into colors and numbers, and that my gash had grown. I started breathing quicker as the numbers and colors appeared in my sight.
           “What is happening to me?!” I cried out as I
confused. Justin gasped from beside me.
           “Oh my gosh, Lexi are you okay?” He inquired, worried.
           “I’m fine. What are you two talking about?” I questioned. They sat there speechless for a few moments, before Camille scrambled to pull out a palm sized glass shard that we used as a mirror. She gave it to me, and I lifted it up, still confused about what they were gawking at.
           One glance was enough to make me gasp as I dropped the makeshift mirror. I breathed heavily and knelt down to pick up the glass again.
           My reflection was like nothing I’d ever seen before. I had a large gash across my face. But instead of blood, there were numbers and twitches of strange colors oozing out. I reached up and touched the wound, which made the numbers and colors spaz out, switching back and forth extremely quickly.
           Scared, I pulled my hand back. Only to reveal that it had turned into colors and numbers, and that my gash had grown. I started breathing quicker as the numbers and colors appeared in my sight.
           “What is happening to me?!” I cried out as I