Book Creator

MPK8 Library

by Kelsey Shearer


Meet Your Librarian
Hello, My name is Mrs. Shearer
Speech Bubble
HERD Expectations
-Check out books, rather than just taking them.

-If you hear the warning sound from the self-checkout computers, seek help from an adult/library assistant help right away.

-Only use the library when there is an adult in the space.
-Return your books on time (2 week checkout).

-If you decide you don't want a book (or see a book on the floor) please put it in the return bin (located at the circulation desk) or the return cart (located in non-fiction) instead of sticking it back into a random spot. 

-Tell Mrs. Shearer right away if you have a damaged book.

-Help other students with the self-checkout station
-Keep the shelves tidy by using the bookends to keep the books upright.

-Push chairs into the tables.

-Keep the tables clean by using disinfectant wipes after use.

-Pick up trash
-Read a variety of books

-Come to the library with your Chromebook and use the online search

-Reserve books that aren't available

-Request books which you want in our library!
Library Hours
Thought Bubble
Media Center Calendar
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Open 8:10- 12:10
Closed 12:45-1:30
Open 12:40-3:00

Open 9:50-12:40
Closed 1:24-1:56
Open 1:20-3:00
Safety Protocol: Must have a pass! If there is no adult, please return back to class and ask your teacher to contact Mrs. Shearer by walkie-talkie or Google Chat
West- Courtyard
South- A Pod
North- C Pod
South- B Pod