Book Creator

Quality Education

by John Robinson


Quality Education
By John Robinson III
Table of Contents
Traditional Education
Learning Disabilities
Keep Calm I know it All
Don't Judge
Citation Page
About the Author
Quality Education is a big problem in a ton of school systems all over the world. Teachers treating students differently just because of their race, gender, ethnicity, and school zone. A student should never be treated differently just because of where they live, their race, and I feel there is a huge lack of diversity in gifted school systems. The “talented and gifted” label is given to the best, brightest, and most advanced students. Starting in early elementary grades, *TAG programs separate students for the sake of individualized learning capability. Though the belief is sound, the practice of it is frequently something said. District schools need to find ways to better recognize different types of learning talent and look at the typical “gifted” student model. The national push to make gifted programs better mirror the present and ever-evolving student body is a step in the right direction. 
*TAG: A label given to someone or something for the purpose of identification or to give other information.
Traditional Education
Traditional education in public schools are very unfair. Students are only learning the basics of education despite the fact that some students may have already learned the basics. A lot of students who receive traditional learning aren’t even given the gifted test. It's really unfair because it doesn’t help the kids who already know the basics.
Some students with learning disabilities get treated very unfairly. Some students get hit, beat, and even killed. According to Time, “Three former employees of a now-closed California school were charged this week in the Nov. 2018 death of a 13-year-old student with autism. He died after being restrained - face down - for two hours while in the school’s care, prosecutors say the boy had a meltdown”. It’s very sad that it took this long for the teachers to be charged, and to know this is happening makes me scared. While I have a little brother with autism who attends public school, I often wonder will this happen to him as well. These teachers should have known how to deal with this young student who was full of life.
Students should never be treated differently, I have a personal experience of being treated unfairly. Last year at my elementary school, my teacher used to always call me out during class and told my parents I didn't know my multiplication tables. Which wasn't true, I even got a terrible report card. I know what it feels like to to be treated wrong. And, it definitely doesn't feel good to know that your own teacher doesn't even want you to pass. Now that I'm at my new school I'm doing great and excelling in all subjects.