Book Creator

chez le médecin

by Lise Mariano


Chez le médecin
At the doctor's
>Bonjour Docteur
> Good morning Doctor
>Bonjour Monsieur Comment allez- vous?
>Hello Sir how are you?
>Non ça ne va pas j'ai mal à la tête et je tousse. Je suis malade

>No I am not ok I have a head ache and I am coughing. I am sick.
Click on the picture to listen to the song
>Vous avez mal a la gorge?
>Do you have a sore throat?
>Oui, j ai mal à la gorge et j'ai de la fievre
> Yes. I have a sore throat and I have fever.
>D'accord je vous donne un médicament.
>Ok, I give you some medication.
Click on the picture to listen to the song
Book written by Let's Speak French