Book Creator

Defectors North korea

by Zonita Sopheap

Pages 12 and 13 of 41

Comic Panel 1
It is never easy to defect and the outcomes of defecting too. If you're caught they will hunt down your entire bloodline such as killing, murdering, abusing, kept in slavery and so on.
However if they didn't get caught and safely defected to south Korea life isn't as easy there either due to all the discrimination they face, some gets sold off to live, some get raped to earn money and live their life there. They are getting hate because of their height, appearance, lack of knowledge because some never got a chance to get an education and so on.
Comic Panel 2
It is never easy to defect and the outcomes of defecting too. If you're caught they will hunt down your entire bloodline such as killing, murdering, abusing, kept in slavery and so on.
However if they didn't get caught and safely defected to south Korea life isn't as easy there either due to all the discrimination they face, some gets sold off to live, some get raped to earn money and live their life there. They are getting hate because of their height, appearance, lack of knowledge because some never got a chance to get an education and so on.
Most people defect through the dessert of Mongolia then to south Korea while others travel all the way through china then Thailand and Cambodia then back to south Korea to get their freedom in which they won't get sent back to NK.