Book Creator an Exhibition

by Emerson Chong

Pages 4 and 5 of 9

Phase 3 Understanding the Problem
For this stage in we focused on research. We already had a lot of info from primary research which are interviewing clients or audiences and brainstorming. In this stage we moved on to secondary research which is texts, websites, videos etc. For this stage I researched a lot about sticky yet durable materials and I found a company that made a product that stuck to things but wasn’t sticky. I also researched how long the average badminton grip lasts, so that I could make my grip last even longer.
Phase 4 Navigating Ideas
Once we had all of our research done we moved onto phase 4 navigating our ideas. This was the part where we cut out a lot of our ideas so that we were left with one finalized idea. For me my idea had changed between phase 3 and 4. My new idea was to make a towel grip (which is the other common badminton grip used and see if Dominic like that). Once I made it and gave it to him to try it didn’t work because he got blisters on his hand.