Book Creator

DLL Journey at Lamar University

by Angel Herring

Pages 2 and 3 of 22

All About Me
I have been a classroom teacher for 14 years. I have taught pre-k, kindergarten, and second grade.

I hold a Texas Educator Certificate, Generalist EC-4 and an ESL (English as a Second Language) EC-4.

I have a Google Certified Level 1 certificate, Microsoft Innovative Educator, and also an Apple Certified Teacher. I am a Certified Campus Technology Specialist by TCEA (Texas Computer Educator Association). As of February 2020, I will have a Master's degree in Digital Learning and Leading from Lamar University.

Being a life-long learner and learning new things is part of my life's mission. In my spare time I enjoy attending as much professional development as possible. My favorite type of PD is centered around using technology in the classroom.