Book Creator

DLL Journey at Lamar University

by Angel Herring

Pages 6 and 7 of 22

Einstein quote, Pinterest, received from
COVA, CSLE, and Learning Philosophy
Using COVA and CSLE does align with my learning philosophy. I have incorporated it as much as possible when possible and with what would be allowed within the pre-k classroom. The students are only four years old, so they need structure. This is the first time they have been to school and need a limited amount of choices. I believe it is important to create an exciting, encouraging, and positive learning environment at all times for all my students of various backgrounds. I want to make the educational experience, school, a fun adventure for my students in order for them to enjoy learning and attending school each day.

My perspective of learning has broadened. I see endless possibilities and believe anything is possible. Education is an amazing endeavor, and I truly can do anything I set my mind to do. As a lifelong learner myself, I continuously seek out knowledge by attending conferences, workshops, and educational classes to help develop my skills as an educator. I am enthusiastic and open minded to learning new things. I consider the students to be little teachers in their own way. They have taught me how to be a better teacher, coach, and mentor.