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We love our pets

by Nikoleta David

Pages 2 and 3 of 29

Class D1
1st Primary school, Perama
School Year 2020-21
Rounded Rectangle
My dog's name is Thomas.
His hair is brown and his eyes are black.
He likes to go for walks in the neighbourhood,
to snuggle in his little house
and eat from my hand.
He hates little kids.
I love my dog!!
Μαρία Α.
This is my pet . It is a dog. His name is Hari.
Xari loves playing with me and also sleeps a lot.
I love Hari because he is very sweet.
Κωνσταντίνος B.
My parrots Ririka and Ririkos are my best friends
They are two and I am nine ,
They can talk and jump,
They live in my home and garden
They make me laugh
When they’re happy
When they’re sad
When they’re bored
They like eating foods
Smarties ,chips and Choco foods
My parrots Ririka and Ririkos are very clever
And I love them for ever!!!
Χρυσούλα Παναγιώτα Γ.
This is my pet. It is a bird.
It is a parrot. Her name is Fiona.
It is green-yellow. It likes looking at the sea in the cage.
It plays with a mini ball.
It eats parrot food. I love my pet!
Στυλιανή Κυριακή Δ.
This is my pet! It is a parrot.
It is a cockatiel parrot.
His name is Mimis.
It is yellow and grey.
It likes sitting on the branch all day!
It plays with his toy. It eats sunflower seeds.
He always sings when he sees me.
My favourite pet is my bird whose name is Tweety.
Tweety is six months old and I am ten.
I have a great time with Tweety
and I love him very much!
He likes to fly and sing all the time
Tweety is yellow with green - grey wings
I love my pet Tweety!
Χρυσούλα Δ.
My favourite pet is my bird whose name is Tweety.
Tweety is six months old and I am ten.
I have a great time with Tweety
and I love him very much!
He likes to fly and sing all the time
Tweety is yellow with green - grey wings
I love my pet Tweety!
Χρυσούλα Δ.
Ζωή Ειρήνη Η.
My dog’s name is Irma and she is 7 months old.
She came to my home at Christmas and I love her very much.
Every day I give her food and I take her out for a walk.
When we come back she goes to sleep.
When she wakes up we play box and my clothes are full of holes xaxa. 
My pet hamster
I love my hamster. It is very beautiful and very chubby. It is also very different from other hamsters. My hamster Hodrobalas is very very cute and I love it .
My hamster eats special food. It Is very very chubby and beautiful .
Νικόλαος Κ.