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How the Zebra got its black stripes.

by Emilee B

Pages 2 and 3 of 4


As the ear deafening noise of the whistle loomed, dust rapidly flew into Zebras eyes causing tears to meander down his contorted face; embarrassed. The trees felt as if they were closing in on them both, there was no where to run! Gathering the pace, Zebra bolted ahead although his muscles began to slow down by the second, Was this the end?

In the balmy plains of Africa, Zebra who usually competes in a race near the watering hole meandered around the plains desperately discussing his desire for black stripes to Badger! Even though, the world was brand new, something just wasn’t right between Zebra and Jaguar.

Arriving at the starting line, competitive Zebra bellowed “You’ll never defeat me!”
Without warning, Jaguar bolted as fast as a cheater across the finish line thanking his beloved fans, “Oh thank you my fans” Jaguar declared. Fortunately, the race was re-arranged for Monday morning under the sun rise, will this madness ever stop? The more he tried, the more competitive it became.
Zebra glared down at the water, the sun gleaming down at the turquoise water. Shocked. He had black stripes all over his body. Arriving at the starting line, Zebra dashed ahead leaving Jaguar to suffer with tender eyes due to the swarm of dust that flew into his blood shot pupils! With pride plastered in Zebras face he crossed the finish line with a record of 1 minute!

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