Book Creator


by Lewys 3RM

Pages 2 and 3 of 8

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Volcanoes are mountains were lava erupts through the Earth surface.
They are named after the Roman god of fire Vulcan.
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 There are over 1000 volcanoes around the world. There are even some under the oceans. Most of them are around the ring of fire where tectonic plates meet and lava is pushed out.

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You can explore volcanoes, like we did in class on Google Earth. Why not take a trip?

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Here’s my video factfile with more information on Mount Fuji in Japan. Enjoy.

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There have been many eruptions around the world. One famous eruption in Italy was that of Mount Vesuvius which buried a whole city in 79AD. 

Imagine if there was a volcano at our school. I used green screen technology to create one
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Thank you for reading. You can learn more here:

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