Book Creator


by Nathan

Pages 2 and 3 of 9

Thanksgiving Story
by Nathan
It was thanksgiving.My sister and i were driving to my grandmas house.Then when we got there ,my sister puked in the car.
Then my sister had to go all the way back home and she had to change clothes. I got to stay there because my moms mom was there.
My dad had to stay home with my sister. My mom and dad got in a fight because neither of them wanted to stay home with my sick sister.
My cousins and played hide and seek.I was little so it took cousins a long time to find me.
Then my mom got there I ran upstairs and jumped on my mom.
Then they said it was time for lunch. I ran in line and my mom helped me get food. I got one more plate.
Then i got desert and then I got like three more plates.It was so good . I had blueberry pie.