Book Creator

How has the Geography of the West shaped who we are

by James’ Rocky Mountain Field Journal


James’ Rocky Mountain Journal
On how the west shapes us
Photo gallery
Movement- blah blah blah
Another pg. for Geography related to the Driving Question.
1. I think that the information here about the CPR helped me realize what it can mean: it shows movement of thing, see below, how so many people came together to build it though human-environment interaction, and how the CPR CHANGED regions. It made certain things available in different regions, and brought them together though travel and movement to create Canada. Ps. (Good ideas, needs some tidying)

2. The movement of foods, people, and ideas on the CPR helped form Canada as we know it, by bringing people closer together through connection of ideas and things… (expand on here)

3. The railway tows had many people in them who wanted to be a part of history. These tows connected to the railway in many direct, and indirect ways.