Book Creator

Jan 2022 - The Caton Conversation

by P.S.249 Newspaper Committee

Pages 4 and 5 of 35

All About Meditation
By: Raven Derring-Kilkelly, 4th Grade
Want to try meditation? Click the pic to try it out!

There are 2, 5 and 10 minute guided meditations!
Lots of people have meditation necklaces/pendants and it can show your energy. If you meditate it can help because it's a good breathing and relaxation exercise. According to google, "while there are many forms of meditation, the ultimate goal is a feeling of relaxation and inner peace, which can improve in mental health."
Meditation, is great for when you're stressed. If you're stressed, breath in and out 5 times, slowly. Then go and get your meditation necklace and use it for 5 mins or more. It could relive stress, anxiety and even depression.
Also, it refreshes your mind with new good thoughts. During meditation you focus your attention and eliminate the stream of jumbled thoughts that may be crowding your mind and causing stress.
Practicing meditation is a great decision because you could make a wish and think about one specific person during the process. For example, it can control thoughts such as thinking about others you have in mind. In addition, if you have calmness and peace balance it’s most likely for that person to have positive thoughts about you.

Other benefits of meditation are that it reduces pain and enhances the bodies immune system, reduces feelings of anxiety, depression, anger and confusion. Most of all, it reduces stress. We all need that right now.