Book Creator

Issue #1

by news paper

Pages 4 and 5 of 27

Debate It!
Should kids come back to in person school at P.S.249 this year?
By: Johann Abundis
Grade 4 

In the world that a pandemic is happening, we have classes in school and on Zoom, but I think kids should go to in-person school because parents are worried for us kids. I think kids should go to in-person school because you can't snooze. You should go to school in person because it’s fun!

Kids should go to in-person school because it will help you have less distractions. My mom says “sometimes kids don't pay attention at home, but in class, if you don't pay attention the teacher will wake you up or call your name.” This shows your kid they can't snooze when they are in school. To add on to this point, my mom says ''when you stay home, sometimes kids are distracted by something else like their siblings." This is important because when you come to school you are not around your brothers and sisters and this will make you less distracted.
Have Fun!
Be Focused!
Get Your Work Done!
Responsible adults should take their kids to school because it is fun! You can go outside and enjoy the weather, sometimes, and get up from your chair and move around. This shows you won't be glued to a chair the whole time like when you are at home! When you come to school it gets you out of the house. Some might say that being at home is more fun, but I think it is not because it is boring to see the same thing over and over again. 

Most importantly, kids should come to school because it helps them keep up with their work. For example, there was one time I was working from home and I didn’t know where an assignment was, but when I came to school my teacher helped me to find the assignment and gave me time to complete it. I felt relieved because I could stop worrying about the assignment and I could get it turned in.

Overall, this is your and your parents' choice, but it's my opinion that you should go to school because you won't be distracted and its fun! Most importantly, it helps you stay focused on your work!