Book Creator


by Karolin Minkner


Information Brochure
Ecumenical Youth Services (EYS)
International Work Camps in
1. What are work camps? 1
2. Accommodation 6
3. Work 8
4. Freetime 11
5. Preparation 12
6. Contact / Application 13
1. What are work camps?
How it all began

The Swiss Pierre Cérésole, who founded the Service Civil International (SCI) in 1920, is considered the founder of the work camp idea. In the winter of 1920/21, the first international reconstruction camp, today we call it a work camp, took place in the village of Esnes near Verdun with 8 participants. A few years earlier, the village had been the largest combat zone of the First World War.
The idea behind the reconstruction camps is to promote and preserve peace.
Even after the Second World War, the idea of "never again war" had not lost a bit of its importance.
The Ecumenical Youth Services (EYS) organised their first International Re-Construction Camp in 1956 and are still active. They are in the tradition of Ecumenical International Re-Construction Camps developed and organised by the Youth Department of the World Council of Churches in Geneva (WCC).
Until today, peace and freedom cannot be taken for granted. EYS camps enable international understanding.
At the camp, people from different cultures, religions, nationalities and social backgrounds can have fun, get to know each other, live together, work together and help shape society.
ÖJD camps are funded by the German Federal Government.

The participation fee for a 2-week camp is 25€.