Book Creator

My Fair Test Investigation

by Sophie Alexander


My Fair Test Investigation
Sophie Alexander
Our Aim
In this experiment, we wanted to find out if wrapping a cup of water up in different materials, would change how quickly the water would change temperature.
Materials we need :
- 3 Paper cups
- 3 Thermometers
- Kettle
- A Jay-Cloth
- A Fabric Cloth
Method :
Step One :
Wrap each of the 3 paper cups in a different material, and secure with tape.
Step 2 :
Add 50ml of boiling water from the kettle into each of the insulated cups. Use a thermometer in each to measure the temperature of the water at 20 sec. intervals.
Step 3 :
Collect up the data until the temperatures are equal again, and see which insulation has cause the temperature to drop quickest, and which has caused the slowest drop.