Book Creator

Around Europe and beyond

by Chiara Sabatini

Pages 4 and 5 of 14

EDL: celebrating the EU day of languages

Each partner school adds a song in their mother tongue with a video and some activities created in English to let the other students understand the meaning.
Listen to the song. Watch some presentations on the band and play games.
At this link you can find stories and poems created with the words from the song and some games.
Read the first chapter of Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone". Then do the activity below.
Have a look at the activities and play games some students created. Then imagine a wonderful trip there!
Listen to the song. Watch some presentations on the band and play games.
Watch the video and do the quiz.
Read the beginning of the story, then create your own. There are some stories created using plot generator. Enjoy reading them.
Some more games.
Let's discover the city.
After having watched the videos and read the info in the links create your own quiz and share it with your schoolmates.
1. Listen to the songs and discuss with your mates: which one do you prefer? Why?
2. Watch the video and read the info, then imagine a trip to Dublin: what would you like to see? Where would you like to go? Why? Talk about it with your mates for at least 3 minutes each.
Listen and watch this folk tale. Then add another chapter to continue the story.
Read some chapters written by students, spot and discuss the mistakes then choose the one you prefer and talk about it in class.