Book Creator

Higher Rural - Upland

by Mr Bell

Pages 4 and 5 of 11

1. Forestry
Description: Large areas / plantations of non-native species (Spruce) spoils the scenic environment.

Solution: Planting natural species of trees to encourage wildlife – Great Trossachs Forest Project.

Effectiveness: The project will take a very long time - 200 year to complete. Cutting down the old trees will make it less active in the short term
2. Hill Walking
Hill Walking - Footpath Erosion

Description: Walkers can go off paths widening them and causing damage to the plants.

Solution: They can also damage fences / walls if they try to climb over them.Footpaths have been improved by laying local stones, for example at Ben A’an.

Effectiveness: This is expensive at a cost of over £2 million.
The local stone blend in with the surroundings enhancing the landscape.