Book Creator

Higher Global Climate Change

by Mr Bell

Pages 16 and 17 of 37

Carbon Dioxide (CO₂)
Burning fossil fuels, for example coal, oil and natural gas release Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere. These has been used increasingly to generate electricity in power stations and to heat homes.

Deforestation, especially in the Amazon Rainforest, has resulted in more carbon dioxide being released when trees are burnt.

With fewer trees there is less photosynthesis so less CO² is captured by vegetation. 
Methane (CH₄)
21 times as effective in trapping heat than CO2.

Methane is produced when organic material is broken down anaerobically, without oxygen. This can happen in the following ways:

In landfill sites as waste / vegetation decomposes.
In padi fields when the rice plants are left to rot after they have been harvested.
In the stomachs of cows as they digest grass and then released as they belch and fart.
When permafrost melts the methane trapped in the ground for thousands of years can continue to biodegrade and is able to escape into the atmosphere.