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ILS newsletter vol 2

by Johnny Lock

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If you would like to add your story to the next newsletter please email:
Hello and welcome to the 2nd ILS department lockdown newsletter. Here you'll find out what our students and staff have been getting up to learning and working from home. Plus other articles like favourite TV shows, poems and acts of kindness.
A big thank you for all your input.
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Thank you to all learners who took part in the online survey.
It was great to see that not one person chose sad as an option.
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Top Tips
How not to get bored

By Trystan T (Bridging)

This is restricting I know. 1.9 billion people worldwide are under lockdown and while the world is this way, it’s easy to get bored.

So these 3 tips are ways you can overcome your boredom or negativity.
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Step 1: Do stuff you’ve wanted sorted for a while

'Oh I really want that painting done. I can’t get those stupid brambles out of the garden'.

Now you have time! You can do it if you wake up early enough to do your files the boss has emailed you. Focus on the stuff you can do rather than can’t.
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Step 3: Eat better.

Include more vitamins in your diet and stop eating junk food or living like a slob!

If you eat better, your brain is clear and there’s more real, longer lasting goodness in there than if you just shove takeaway down your gob.
Step 2: Do bedroom exercises.

Do stuff in your home, take walks in nature. You are still allowed out infrequently just not 6 foot 7 inches near someone else.

Remember folks, don’t leave your house too often.
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So there you have it. I hope you found this useful and informative. Stay healthy and try your best to keep your sanity through this difficult time.

Remember it will be over soon. The more people obey the government, the sooner this will blow over.
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Over the past few weeks students have been writing some poetry. The standard has been amazing!
L- life is dull being inside
O- other things to do with my life
C- Captain Tom Moore is a hero
K- kind people helping deliver the food
D- day by day stuck inside with nothing to do
O- oh I wish I could see my friends again
W- we will always be together
N- never give up hope
By David J (Bridging)
Lockdown Poems
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L - Like hating it so much 
O - Over lockdown already 
C - Can we go out yet 
K - Kicking door to get out
D - Down
O - Over going 
W - When this over get to see friends, my boyfriend and his family again 
N - Need to get out again
By Amy E (Bridging)
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By Kyle R (Shine)
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L-looks miserable out side today
O-oh my god I'm so bored indoors!
C-can we go out for a walk
K-kick a ball around in the garden if your bored
D-do we need hand sanitiser?
O-okay lets get the pool out as its lovely weather
W-wow its very sunny during the quarantine
N-now we just have to be patient
By Ian G (Shine)