Book Creator

(copy) A new book

by ნათია ჩიხლაძე

Pages 2 and 3 of 21

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By Author Name
I am Nikola. I'm from Italy. I'm 9. I'm tall and skinny. I've got brown eyes and brown hair. I think I'm handsome.
I'm good at English and Math. I like doing sums and listening English songs.
What about my hobbies I like doing sports very much. Football is my favorite sport. I would like to become a famous football player one day. My favorite football player is Messi. When I have free time I read a lot about sports, especially about football.
I haven't got many friends. I get on well with Andrea and Marko. We go for a walk together, play computer games and have a chat about sport.
I have a pet. It's a parrot. His name is Miki. Sometimes Miki is sad and I want to bring him the mate not to feel alone.
I want to tell you a few words about my family. I have mum, dad, brother and sister. we live in a big house. my grandmother and grandfather in the neighborhood. so we sometimes visit them.

Later I'll tell you about my my family.

skinny - ძალიან გამხდარი
handsome - კარგი გარეგნობის
What about - რაც შეეხება
free time - თავისუფალი დრო
especially - განსაკუთრებით
have a chat - საუბარი
neighborhood - სამეზობლო, მეზობლად
sometimes - ზოგჯერ
Later - მოგვიანებით
so - ასე რომ
alone - მარტო
task 1
read the text and write the same information about yourself.
I am Nikola. I'm from Italy. I'm 9. I'm tall and skinny. I've got brown eyes and brown hair. I think I'm handsome.
I'm good at English and Math. I like doing sums and listening English songs.
What about my hobbies I like doing sports very much. Football is my favorite sport. I would like to become a famous football player one day. My favorite football player is Messi. When I have free time I read a lot about sports, especially about football.
I haven't got many friends. I get on well with Andrea and Marko. We go for a walk together, play computer games and have a chat about sport.
I have a pet. It's a parrot. His name is Miki. Sometimes Miki is sad and I want to bring him the mate not to feel alone.
I want to tell you a few words about my family. I have mum, dad, brother and sister. we live in a big house. my grandmother and grandfather in the neighborhood. so we sometimes visit them.

Later I'll tell you about my my family.

skinny - ძალიან გამხდარი
handsome - კარგი გარეგნობის
What about - რაც შეეხება
free time - თავისუფალი დრო
especially - განსაკუთრებით
have a chat - საუბარი
neighborhood - სამეზობლო, მეზობლად
sometimes - ზოგჯერ
Later - მოგვიანებით
so - ასე რომ
alone - მარტო
task 1
read the text and write the same information about yourself.
I want to tell you about my family.

My mother's name is Sandra. she is 32. She is medium-height and slim. She is very pretty. She has blue eyes and straight blonde hair. She is a doctor. She works at the hospital. her hobby is swimming. she often goes to the swimming pool at the weekend.

My father's name is Tony. He is 35. He is tall and thin. He has short and brown hair. he has broad forehead and an oval face. He has a beard and a moustache. He is an architect. He works for a firm of builders. He comes home late. So we don't spend much time together. My father likes horse-riding . So when he has free time he rides a horse.

My sister's name is Martha. She is 7. she is tall and skinny. She has pale skin and small nose. She likes drawing and dancing. She goes to the dance studio and takes part in the dance competitions.

My brother's name is Paolo. He is 5. He is short and plump with round face and blue eyes. He goes to the kindergarten. He is funny. I like playing with him very much.
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CAPTION Half page image nullam nunc eros, vehicula feugiat
Comic Panel 1
CAPTION Half page image nullam nunc eros, vehicula feugiat
Let's speak:
1. speak about your best friend
2. describe your two classmates: one girl and one boy
Audio button
task 1: Look at the pictures and describe these funny characters: start like this: he is.... he isn't...he has...he hasn't got...


start like this:

task 2: draw your family tree and tell us about your relatives and family members: