Book Creator

Happily Ever After

by Mekdes

Pages 2 and 3 of 8

Happily Ever After
by Mekdes
Charolette is a beautiful, kind girl who lives with for stepmom and stepsister,Emma. They were not very nice to her, She had to do all the cooking. Charolette was never aloud to do anything fun.
Charolette had a pet pig that she loved. She would sneak away to spend time. She told him how mean her stepmom and stepsister were to her.
All the young ladies were invited to a ball at the castle. Charolotte was excited to go. Emma was excited to go. Stepmom did not let Charolotte go to the ball. She had to stay home and cook. This made Charolotte sad.
While Stepmom was busy helping Emma get ready for the ball Charolette snuk out to visit her pig. It always makes her feel better to talk to him. She told him that she was not allowed to go to the ball. She hugged him and out of a sudden she was dress in a beautiful, sparkly red dress. Her shoes were made of gold. Her pig was magic! He told her to spin around and she would be at the ball. He told her to be home by mid night because the magic would wear off at that time.
Everybody turned to look at the beautiful girl walking in to the ball. James the prince could not take his eyes off of her. They danced the night away.
When she heard the clock strike twelve she ran out the door. It was too late.Her beautiful dress was was rags again. She heard the Prince call out her name. She hid behind a bush. She did not want him to see her that way.
The Prince found her. He recognized her. He did not care that she was in rags. He wanted her to be his Princess.
She and her pig lived happily ever after in the castle.
Her Stepmom and stepsister lived there too.
They were her servants.

The End