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Nutritional Properties of Meat


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By: Guillermo Luna, María Fernanda Bazúa Guzmán, Camila Guerrero Ángulo, Santiago Guillén Cebreros.
People have always consumed meat throughout the history of humanity. Nowadays, you can buy meat in stores or super markets . In the past, some people had to hunt for their food. There are remote places where you still have to do this. However, most people buy food from a shelf or stand in a store, meat which has been processed and manipulated by many people. What would happen if you ate contaminated meat? Who would be responsible for it? Could we even die because of that ? There are many possibilities and consequences when eating or selling contaminated meat.

Chapter 1: English.
Every time that you consume meat, eggs, or dairy products you’re dining on unknown carcinogens, bacteria, and other contaminants that can accumulate in your body system and remain there for years. Animal products are loaded with bacteria, antibiotics, hormones, dioxins, and a host of other toxins that can cause serious health problems in humans. Eating contaminated flesh with bacteria can cause food poisoning, with symptoms ranging from stomachache cramps and diarrhea to organ failure and death. Every year in Mexico many people suffer from cases of food poisoning, and thounsands of these cases are fatal.  
Page number 3-4 is chapter 1: English.

Page number 5-6 is chapter 2: Physics .

Page number 7: History 

Page number 8: About the authors.
Chapter 1: English.
Every time that you consume meat, eggs, or dairy products you’re dining on unknown carcinogens, bacteria, and other contaminants that can accumulate in your body system and remain there for years. Animal products are loaded with bacteria, antibiotics, hormones, dioxins, and a host of other toxins that can cause serious health problems in humans. Eating contaminated flesh with bacteria can cause food poisoning, with symptoms ranging from stomachache cramps and diarrhea to organ failure and death. Every year in Mexico many people suffer from cases of food poisoning, and thounsands of these cases are fatal.  
Chapter 1: English
Now if you eat this type of meat it can be very harmful for you which is also not good in a long term.
 Big or small companies that sell this type of products are irresponsible for damaging other people by making them sick, and the costumers will remember where they got the meat so they can either sue those companies or just stop buying from those companies. If this happens to a lot of people the business can go bankrupt.
Chapter 2: Physics.

A device that can tell you if your meat is still feat to eat.      It’s called “Electromeat”
The cut: This will depend on the cut, the type of meat, its thickness and the thickness of the piece, also due to the presence of intramuscular fat and its ability to retain water.
Hardness: This is the texture of the meat if it’s hard or soft, I the meat will have its thickness 
Freshness: This is really clear when we talk about freshness it’s how cool the meat is or has to be.
Texture: The device will scan the meat texture to see if it’s not rotten or if it still eatable.
Heat: The heat is basically how hot is the meat and this one can be known using a meat thermometer.
Refrigerating: This refers to refrigerating or cooling a meat while it’s not being eated. 
Chapter 2: Physics.

A device that can tell you if your meat is still feat to eat.      It’s called “Electromeat”
The cut: This will depend on the cut, the type of meat, its thickness and the thickness of the piece, also due to the presence of intramuscular fat and its ability to retain water.
Hardness: This is the texture of the meat if it’s hard or soft, I the meat will have its thickness 
Freshness: This is really clear when we talk about freshness it’s how cool the meat is or has to be.
Texture: The device will scan the meat texture to see if it’s not rotten or if it still eatable.
Heat: The heat is basically how hot is the meat and this one can be known using a meat thermometer.
Refrigerating: This refers to refrigerating or cooling a meat while it’s not being eated. 
Chapter 2: physics.
Odor: It is obvious that the meat must smell good. It is true that the aroma varies depending on the animal, but only slightly. What you can never do is smell musty or something strange. Those meats will probably be contaminated.
Juiciness: The juiciness may vary depending on the amount of water retained during the cooking of the meat. This makes the meat taste better and the meat softer, making it easier to chew. Meat can lose water through drip or evaporation, and the amount of it can increase as it ages.
Experiment:The device has a medium sized platform that will measure the heat, the freshness, it will tell you when it’s going to expire, the hardness or thickness on it, it will tell you if the meat is contaminated or if it’s safe to eat. It works just by plugging in the cable.
Chapter 3: History.
This device would help us a lot when you are not that sure about the condition of the meat that you are going to consume; this meat detector would help you to know wether the meat is contaminated or not, if it is in good conditions to be consumed. With this device people can make a good decision when it comes to buy or eat meat.
Chapter 3: History.
This device would help us a lot when you are not that sure about the condition of the meat that you are going to consume; this meat detector would help you to know wether the meat is contaminated or not, if it is in good conditions to be consumed. With this device people can make a good decision when it comes to buy or eat meat.
About the authors:
We all study at Senda Institute junior high. We live in Culiacan, Sinaloa , Mexico.
We are in 8th grade and enjoy working on new projects that can help people become aware of what they consume and its consequences.

Camila Guerrero Ángulo
María Fernanda Bazua Guzmán 
Guillermo Luna Alvarado
Santiago Guillen Cebreros 
You have to remember that selling food products like meat is a big deal so when you do these kind of stuff you have to make sure, in this case your meat, that is safe for other people to eat it, so that way you gain more costumers.
So finally, if you sell good products and things people will like, sell good products and things people will like sell them and always make sure your products are safe for the consume of other people.
You have to remember that selling food products like meat is a big deal so when you do these kind of stuff you have to make sure, in this case your meat, that is safe for other people to eat it, so that way you gain more costumers.
So finally, if you sell good products and things people will like, sell good products and things people will like sell them and always make sure your products are safe for the consume of other people.