Book Creator

My Growth Mindset Journal

by Dylan Schombing

Pages 2 and 3 of 10

What have I realized about my own grit and effort?

I have realized that I am a very persistent person. When I get my mind set on doing something, there’s usually no stopping me. I am a gritty person and failing at something makes me disappointed but I always try again.
Where do I show these skills best?

I would say I best show these skills when acting. Specifically auditioning. 9/10 times, you don’t get the job, and you have to be OK with that and put all the same effort into your next audition. It also makes the feeling when you actually get the job so much better. You also have to be OK with doing a take over and over and over again. Sometimes even up to twenty times on the same angle and not be discouraged and fought through the boredom.
How could I use these skills more?

I could use these skills in school when I’m frustrated or confused about something we’re learning or if something is taking a long time and I don’t want to do it anymore. I could also use those skills when I’m learning something new in general, and it’s taking a really long time.
Fixed mindset - “I’m different. I have more abilities than other people. I can preform better than others with these abilities. My abilities won’t change. I can’t do this. If I fail, I’m not good enough.”

Growth mindset - “My abilities can be changed. I can learn new things. Just because I don’t do certain things as well as others doesn’t mean I’m a failure. I can’t do this yet. Failure means another chance to learn.”

Apparently, when successful people fail, their ability to learn kind of shuts down, because they are so used to success, and they don’t learn from their failures.