Book Creator


by Katarína Mészárosová

Pages 2 and 3 of 7

Folk or traditional medicine originated from primitive man’s reactions or attitudes to natural events. Magic and witchcraft played an important role here. In these societies, where witchcraft and religious beliefs were of great importance, disease and health were explained by external factors penetrating and harming the body. People’s efforts to find solutions to these diseases set up the basis of folk medicine. Consequently, in traditional societies opinions on disease and health were born as a part of folk culture. Folk medicine is different rather then to modern medicine. Traditional medicine lives among the people as a part of their culture. In traditional societies, any information about a disease is shared by others. This information is passed through the generations. People learn popular medicine in the same way and they learn other cultural components.
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Pure Raw Honey
This natural sweetener is a fabulous antibacterial that works to potentially control inflammation and prevent infection when administered topically to a clean wound. Apply a thin layer of raw honey, and then bandage the scrape.
Flowering Yarrow
If this common ground cover flower is growing nearby, pick some. Rub the blooms and leaves from yarrow together to create a mash that can be applied directly to a wound to help stop bleeding and heal broken skin. The secret to this medicinal flower is that it can possibly reduce inflammation and soothe your cut for some natural wound healing.