Book Creator


by Alejandra Ruiz, Andrea De Anda, Cecille Ángulo, Harry Castro, Giovanni Rivera

Pages 4 and 5 of 21

page 1
prologue ..................................................... page 3
chapter 1 ..................................................... page 4- 5
chapter 2 ..................................................... page 6
chapter 3 ..................................................... page 7- 8
conclusion ................................................... page 9 
about the authors..................................... page 10
page 2
Our ebook talks about the nutritional properties of meat, the consequences of selling or consuming contaminated meat, and our opinion of having a device that can help us to see if the food have quality or not. Also, we invented a product that can identify the physical properties of meat. And we have our conclusions about this topics.
page 3
chapter 1: Identity and express the possible consequences of selling and consuming contaminated meat using conditional sentences. 
Healthy eating is something that we must all carry out, so it is necessary to consume the correct foods and in the necessary quantity. 
The animal sacrifice for human consumption, the process that is carried out, the conditions in which they carry out this activity and in what places. Consequences that can occur from where they are sacrificed as diseases or infections for the consumer. The benefits that the consumption of animal meat brings us both physically and in the system and development of people (proteins, vitamins and nutrients).
Some people think that animal sacrifice for human consumption is a bad thing because they see it as an activity that threatens nature, but after this investigation the benefits that this product can bring us and that it cannot be substituted with anything are shown.

This information is a scientific article
research that we made about possible
meat. Listeriosis has a long incubation
period and does not cause diarrhea or
gastrointestinal episodes, so if you have
eaten "La Mechá" affected meat, stay
alert and go to the doctor (health center
or emergency hospital center) for any of
these symptoms to that they value it.
High fever that in risk groups such as
the elderly, children or sick people could
trigger serious episodes.Head and neck
pain Convulsions Septicemia. In
pregnant women it could cause
abortions or premature births.
page 4
OCU demands responsibilities.Red and processed meats do increase health risks. Scientists says that an accumulated body of evidence shows a clear link between high intake of red and processed meats and a higher risk for heart disease, cancer,diabetes, and premature death.
The alpha-tocopherol content of
different meat cuts was examined.
Chicken thigh had the highest
vitamin E content, followed by
chicken breast and pork shoulder. .
The lowest concentrations were
found in dorsi muscle from pork,
beef,veal andin beef shoulder.In
addition to protein and fat, meat
(beef, veal, pork and lamb) is a
significant source of several other
nutrients in the U.S. diet. These include the minerals iron and zinc, and most of the B—vitamin complex (B1, B2, niacin, B6 and B12). 10 health problems associated with eating meat Heart disease. Cancer. Stroke. Because eating meat causes blockages in your blood vessels, it's no surprise that it causes strokes. ... Diabetes. ...Obesity. ... Harmful cholesterol. ...Acne ... Erectile dysfunction.Z Eat meat is good for you life?It is not recommended to eat it raw, as it is very dangerous, depending on the type of meat. Those who like red meat prefer to eat it raw, which is red on the inside and a brown crust on the outside. It is safer for your health to consume the meat with a cooked cooking term.
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In conclusion If you eat contaminated food you can have signs and symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and they may start within hours after eating the contaminated food or they may begin days or even weeks later. The sickness can last a few hours or some several days.

If you sell contaminated food you can get arrested and get reported, because it’s illegal. Also a company can get reported too for selling contaminated food. 
page 6
chapter 2: Understand the advantages and impact on having a device that can help us evaluate the quality of meat.
 We expect from this device is that it can detect when the meat is in bad condition or if it is good to be consumed. It is important to know if the meat is bad or has any chemical product or if it has any bacteria that can harm us. The impact that this product can bring, is that companies that work with meat can supply products in poor condition can go in bankrupt and companies, if they have good quality meat production they will be more successful in their work.
They are responsible for the production of meat and the exit of the people who consume these foods
Do you think that food safety risk assessors and public health authorities have an important role in meat quality? 

Yes, because they need to evaluate the meat before a company sells it. Also their job is very important because the health of their customers are in their hands because they will be responsible.
our logo is:
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chapter 3: Use the scientific method as a key point in the operation of the invented device, as well as identify each of the physical properties to be evaluated in the meat.
 scientific method:

Question: Does the device works?

Hypothesis: The device need to tell if the meat is not contaminated and it need to work with the different types of meat.

Experiment: We are going to try the device with the different types of meat and if it works it needs to tell the color, temperature and density.

Conclusion: The device works with different types of meat, and it gives all the details you need to know to see if the meat is contaminated or not.
Our device is like thermometer or like a laser gun, our device works by just clicking a button while the device is pointing the meat with the laser. Our device give the necessary information to know if the meat it’s edible or not, the device give all the physical properties but it focus on the color and density. The device shows a green screen if it’s edible and a red screen if it’s not. Our device is very fast and efficient and it can change your health. Also our device can work with all the types of meat.
page 8

Physical properties of meat:

Color: It is used by consumers to determine if meat is fresh and safe to eat. It is the most important factor in a consumer's decision to purchase meat. A meat in bad condition has a slimy texture, if this is the case, it is very likely that the bacteria have already multiplied. 
Density: It is used to identify pure substances and to characterize and estimate the composition of many kinds of mixtures.
Mass: It means how heavy it is when you try to pick it up.
Volume: is a measure of the size of an object, just like height and width are ways to describe size.
Melting point: Is used to help identify a substance, for example, if an unknown solid melts at 102-106° C, the 4° range suggests that the sample is impure.
Boiling point: Is the temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid equals the pressure surrounding the liquid and the liquid changes into a vapor. 
Hardness: It is the quality or state of being hard.
Juiciness: It is the quality of containing a lot of juice, the juice give the taste to the meat.
Tenderness: It’s the quality of meat in how easily it is chewed or cut, is a desirable quality, as tender meat is softer, easier to chew, and generally more palatable than harder meat.
Viscosity: It is defined as the internal friction of a liquid or its ability to resist flow, is also a characteristic of the texture of food.  
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about the authors
This ebook was made by:

Alejandra Ruiz Grajeda 
Andrea De Anda Avelar
Cecille Ángulo Díaz
Harry Castro 

We are students from Instituto Senda del Río
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