Book Creator

Our first collection of short stories

by Secondo A classico 2017-18

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Our first collection of short stories
I. I. S. Eliano Luzzatti
2 A classico 2017 - 18
Two friends and a destiny
di: Eleonora Romano II A cl
Marta and Carol are thirty- two years old. They come from a little town of Umbria and for working reasons, they left their houses and they went to Rome.
Their story is exciting because their lives, separeted before the University, thank to fate or destiny have been reunited.
The friendship, born on the school desk, grew up with them. Every day Marta and Carol studied in the same house, ate the same food and above all bought the same clothers.
The situation changed when Marta's father had a new job in Rome: he moved with all family there. But Marta didn't want to leave her friend.However her father was irremovable. Carol suffered for that situation and hoped to go to Rome in order to attend the University and in the hope to meet Marta again.
Her dream is fulfilled and she can leave the little town for a big and exciting city.
Marta, in the meantime had many interests and she was pushing away the memory of her childhood friend. Both chose the economics faculty at Sapienza University, but they didn't know to be so close
One day, during an economics lesson, both girls were looking for a chair to sit down and, unwillingly, they took the same.
Suddenly, turning around, they found themselves face to face. Great surprise and joy... there are together! True friendship never dies!
After the University in fact they moved to Milan when they opened a marketing study and where they also found the love. Now they are two mothers-friends and business colleagues!