Book Creator

The Voyage

by Mason St. Hilaire

Pages 2 and 3 of 13

The Voyage.
by Mason St.Hilaire
The voyage across the ocean could have taken up to one to six months to
make it to America.
There were three different classes on the ships. First class was the best, second class was okay, but third class was horrible.
Third class was called steerage.
immigrants in steerage often got seasick because it was the bottom of the boat and it was smelly.

First class have very good food, second class had ok food,third class had horrible food. First and second class saw immigrant officials on the ship so they did not have to go through Ellis Island.
There were three different classes on the ships. First class was the best, second class was okay, but third class was horrible.
Third class was called steerage.
immigrants in steerage often got seasick because it was the bottom of the boat and it was smelly.

First class have very good food, second class had ok food,third class had horrible food. First and second class saw immigrant officials on the ship so they did not have to go through Ellis Island.
When they made it to Ellis Island they had to go through a lot of different stages before they could get to America. Some immigrant officials said
they gave them a lot of money they would let them through with no inspection so you wouldn't have to go to the inspection and they would have the money for themselves.
There was a big staircase that went up to the medical Inspection area. The doctors were watching you as you went up the staircase to check If you had any medical disabilities. When they went up the stairs they watched when immigrants were limping.They would know if they had something up or if they were coughing or if they were regular or if they didn't know how to walk right.
There was a big staircase that went up to the medical Inspection area. The doctors were watching you as you went up the staircase to check If you had any medical disabilities. When they went up the stairs they watched when immigrants were limping.They would know if they had something up or if they were coughing or if they were regular or if they didn't know how to walk right.
Once the immigrants made it through all the stations, they went through what was called the kissing post. That's where all the families met, because they would send a husband to America first. They can make money, so the rest of the family could come, and that's where they met so and most people who didn't show emotion in public, they threw themselves into the arms of their relatives.
Some villages would send their eldest son or daughter to America to raise money to bring the rest of the family or village.