Book Creator

Speedy Sports Day

by P3B, P1B & P2B

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

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Chapter 1
It was deep dark in the zoo and there was a little, shy snail. In his cage, he was exercising with a treadmill to get faster. So he can beat Cheetah, Leopard and Crocodile at the zoos sports day. Suddenly the Cheetah roared “Look Snail, there is something shiny over there”. He went over to it, it was a shiny watch. He threw it up into the air and it landed on his head. He looked at the watch, it was ticking. He touched it with his tail. The snail was going back to his cage when all of a sudden he began to feel frightened. When he looked back at his tail he saw that it was moving side to side very fast and there were sparks flying, hitting some of the animals he passed. They had to run to a pond to cool themselves down. The watch made him super fast!
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Chapter 2
The next morning Snail woke up feeling very confused. Did he dream it or did he now have magic powers to make him go faster? It was Sports Day, all the animals line up for the race. "I don't know why you are taking part, you are not going to win" said Crocodile. "You are far too slow". The snail looked at his shell he could see the watch and it was still ticking "That's not true" said Snail. "You just wait and see". The Zoo Keeper starts the race. Cheetah is in the lead followed closely by Crocodile. Snail is coming last, he shakes his shell and suddenly the watch begins to glow. Snail slides along very fast passing Crocodile and catching Cheetah. The finish line is in sight who is going to win? Snail shakes his shell again and zooms passed cheetah. Snail has won he feels amazing and so happy. But then he tries to stop and he can't he keeps sliding along. "Oh no, someone help me, I can't stop!"

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