Book Creator

The Lost Key

by P2A, P3A & P1A

Pages 2 and 3 of 7

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Chapter 1
Last year, in Buckingham Palace there was a magician in the kitchen and his hat could open with a special key. In his hat there was a rose for the person he chose. He had found this key and was going to use it to open the queen's safe. In the queen's safe there were loads of pounds. But the magician lost the key and so he got a water suit and went to look for it in the water.
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Chapter 2
James, the magician, had lost his key in the huge pool outside the palace which was freezing cold because it was Winter. He was about to jump when he remembered that he was a magician and could make the key come back to him using his special powers. Unfortunately, nothing happened and he then realised that the key must not be in the pool.
Then, he started looking around the pool and remembered that the bird had flown into a tree and might have hidden it in there. So, he used his wand to cast a spell and try to make the key come to him. He waited for a long time but the key did not come back to him. James felt annoyed and furious because he had no clue where else to look. It was dinner time so he had to go back to the kitchen. While cooking he tripped over something, looked and saw that it was the key! He was very angry that he had wasted so much time looking for it! The bird must have flown back to the kitchen to get some food and somehow let the key slip.