Book Creator

The Adventure of Cat 47 and The Golden Saw - The Secret Mission!

by P5A, P6A, P7A & P4A

Pages 4 and 5 of 11

Chapter 2
Cat 47's arrival on the submarine, through the portal, set off a loud alarm. BOOM! Rapidly, she hid behind a large crate to avoid the guard dogs rushing in to inspect the noise. Confused, the guard dogs quickly searched the room but found no trace of what the noise had been.

As soon as she could, Cat 47 snuck out of her hiding spot and started to hunt among the crates for the Golden Saw. After an hour of searching through the crates, she realised that the artefact she was hunting for was not there. She decided to make a loud noise to attract the guard’s attention so when they entered the room she could sneak past them.

Without a sound Cat 47 travelled along a corridor into an even larger storeroom filled with huge crates. After searching for what seemed like hours, she finally found what she was looking for, the Golden Saw.
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