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The Adventure of Cat 47 and The Golden Saw - The Secret Mission!

by P5A, P6A, P7A & P4A

Pages 8 and 9 of 11

Chapter 4
Just as she was about to jump through the portal back to safety, something pulled her from behind. A chubby dog guard that Cat 47 hadn't noticed had snuck up behind her and was trying to get the golden saw from her. "Oh no!" she thought.

While she was trying to stop the dog getting the saw, Cat 47 noticed that the portal was getting fainter. "The portal is closing!" she called out in fear.

Cat 47 knew it was time to use the Super Cat Power Punch(TM) again. The chubby dog guard fell to the ground, Cat 47 grabbed the golden saw and sprinted and leaped through the portal. The portal closed behind her.

Back at Headquarters, Cat 47 returned the golden saw to the golden chamber, in the basement, through the secret entrance in the middle of the deep, dark underground cave!

The cat and dog world had been balanced back out and returned to normal. Cat 47 had a cup of tea and cat treats and looking forward to her next adventure!
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