Book Creator

Artsy Adding

by Liliana D.


Written by: Liliana D.
Okay, today we are going to learn adding in an artsy way. So, first let's try a 2- digit number adding.
I know the answer! It is 110!
Speech Bubble
CORRECT! Now you still need to know how that dog got the answer 110!
Well, the reason is because you saw how they were stacked up on top of each other well that's because we need to add the numbers in the one place first. Then add the numbers in the ten places to get your answer. In this case 110!
Well lets' try another!
Well, little doggie I can read your mind and that answer is...... CORRECT!
Well I am pretty sure it's.... oh! It's 113!
Thought Bubble
Well now that you get the main idea of adding 2-digit numbers were going try to add 3-digit numbers like the one you see on the canvas.
YES! Hedwig the answer is 490!
Speech Bubble
It's definatley 490!
Speech Bubble
Now let's try another 3-digit number problem.
Wait! Remember to add the numbers in the ones place first. Then the numbers in the tens place.
Speech Bubble