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Is social distancing beneficial or detrimental

by Brian H

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Is social distancing beneficial or detrimental?

Locked inside an apartment, not allowed to socialize, forced to stay home unemployed, social distancing seems to propagate unfairness and pointlessness. The virus, known as COVID-19, began rapid spreading December 2019. Many people expected Covid-19 to be similar to the flu, thus misguiding the public to be unaware about the consequences. As of May, 2020, there are more than 80,000 confirmed cases in Canada. If social distancing wasn’t enforced, the numbers would expand at a rapid rate. Research has proven that areas with social distancing had less cases than areas without it. Most cases come from overpopulated areas, thus proving that avoiding human interactions could contain the virus. However, some choose to ignore the benefits of distancing and focus on the negatives. By addressing both the upsides and downsides of social distancing, people can be more rational about the virus.
You should be 2 meters away from anyone else.
You should be 2 meters away from anyone else.
Practicing social distancing can control the virus. The key to controlling the outbreak is limiting human interactions. Doing your job to isolate yourself can prevent the virus from spreading. Places with social distancing has less infection rate than places without it. An example would be how China applied social distancing. Through mandating social distancing, China managed to slow the rate down: mandatory masks, public transportation ban, enforced temperature check. After a few months, the numbers plummeted and many recovered. With the same method, Italy and Spain’s number also reduced. This proves that social distancing has potential of slowing the virus down.
Practicing social distancing also help protect the elders. Research proved that people with a weaker immune system are more likely to be diagnosed with the virus; those who are above the age of 50 has a larger mortality rate. Slowing the virus down so scientists have more time to create an effective vaccine. Scientists are trying to figure out a way to cure the virus. Some antiviral drugs are already used to cure the virus, but unfortunately there’s still no effective treatment for the virus. If another pandemic were ever happen again, people would have a better defence against the virus. It would be easier to apply social distancing and prevent infection rate. The community would know what to do to stop the virus. 
Knowing about the benefits, there are also downsides for social distancing such as unemployment. Unfortunately, stock markets suffered a tremendous crash. Many businesses couldn't survive the crash and left a large number of unemployment. By April 30th around 13% of people in Canada are unemployed. Employment increased 18% in Montreal, Quebec. Many people lost their jobs and could barely afford living. The high unemployment rate caused abundant amount of people to revolt and protest. Crowds of protesters gathered around queen’s park in Toronto to protest against the lockdown during April. They held signs stating things related to freedom. Another major downside of social distancing is online education. Since school campuses are closed, education a lot harder and inefficient. Learning out of campus would often cause confusion. Children would also not be getting enough guidance from the teachers. They would also be able to cheat and not do their work.
By April 30th around 13% of people in Canada are unemployed.