Book Creator

Land Acknowledgement

by Justine Ouellet

Pages 2 and 3 of 7

My land Acknowledgement
Je suis reconnaissante qu’on soit rassemblés et on fait partie du territoire Anishnabe. Cette terre nous fournit l’école, une maison, une famille, des amies et plus. Je reconnais que la terre n’est pas cédée et nous sommes chanceux et chanceux d'avoir une terre qui venait des premières nations, metis et inuit.

Mes ancêtres utilisent ce sol depuis des milliers d'années, pour construire leur maison, et commencer une famille.Il se sont installé au québec et il sont reconnaissante de la terre des Anishnabe Wakis. Ma mère, mon père, mes frères et sœurs et moi respectons cette terre et apprenons encore à propos du peuple Anishnabe. 
I acknowledge that my home is on land of the indigenous people. Even if this land is our home, it belongs to the first nation, metis and inuit people. We stand on this land today to gather, learn, and understand more information from the Anishinabe people and how they were treated, hurt and why they weren't loved.

My ancestors stepped on this ground for hundreds of years and used it for houses, jobs, family, love and agriculture. The anishinabe people were mistreated and had biases against them in the early days. Right now is the time to forgive and accept our mistakes that we did in the past.
- The 2 lines on one of the legs represent the sun and the moon.
- 3 lines = human spirits
- 4 lines = stage of life
- 7 lines = the 7 grandfather teaching.
- The bear represents the bear clan
- While we did our bear, i couldn't think of anything that is really really important to me. I couldn't decide and didn't know what to put. My family, friends, school, volleyball are all important to me but didn't know which to pick
Dans le temps mon arriere grand pere et arriere arriere grand pere ont utilisé la Marie Vacillante pour la pêche et pour profiter de cette terre.