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Southern Colonies

by Tad Z

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

Tad Z.
The south
go south for crops and money glora.
The reason for founding are to boost the wealth of New England to help the English out come to the south.
southern geography.
The geography is hot and humid perfect for vacations with you family.
Its perfect for farming and relaxing with soft soil an almost never pesky snow and ice.
southern economy
Come to south just turn your boat off the mississippi river what you well find is plants and plenty of land that's just for you to take.
There plants to harvest and animals hunt so you can ell and get rich.
Tobacco and indigo is very expensive in England so you can get rich.
Rice is on of the main crops grown in Southern America
Rice comes in different forms and it one of the three most grown plants in the world.
Rice is healthy for you and And you can get a lot of it in the south
In New England t is cold the dirt is had and they kill innocent whales for fun.
In the middle colonies you cut down forest and break your back mining iron. when you can relax in the south.
In the south you can sit back and relax not like the the ether colonies. Plus you make a lot of money in the south.

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