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Welcome to Padstow School Reception class!

by Aspire

Pages 26 and 27 of 27

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We hope to see you soon!
Vision & Values
Comic Panel 1
Comic Panel 1
At Padstow School and Nursery our whole school philosophy "Embark on a journey to discover your future" is introduced right at the start of the nursery journey. We embed a shared vision for our pupils to work hard, enjoy learning and reach their goals. 

Within the EYFS our philosophy is to make a difference so children can embrace the wider world with confidence.
Our Core Values:
Aspirations - achieve the best for ourselves and others, to imagine possibilities and make them real. 

Spirit – demonstrating the courage of our convictions, with energy and determination.

Passion - enthusiastic and committed to seek opportunity, pursue talents and interests.

Integrity – honest with ourselves and others in all that we do.

Resilience - to overcome obstacles and reach success.

Excellence – in all we do. 

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