Book Creator

The Magical mansion

by Liam Garrick

Pages 6 and 7 of 11

Before he knew it Jack was flicking over the pages he came across jungles, mountains, tundra’s, oceans, towns, cities, villages and more. There was at least 1000 pages in this fabulously fat book. He was standing there for a solid 7 minutes just continuously flicking through the pages.
Then he came to an empty page he picked up the feather and quill and started to write in a whole paragraph about a mountain range with golden treasures and a cottage on the highest top of Mount Jack, he closed the book and looked down the corridor.
He saw that there was one freshly painted door, Jack and Emma both sprinted down past all of the crusty dusty doors as fast as their legs could carry them suddenly the corridor came to an end and there it was a beautiful freshly painted door they stepped with their fingers crossed through.
Suddenly they fell into a snowy tundra. They stood back up and sprinted to the top of Mount Jack and stood outside this amazing wonder.
The Other Side
Chapter 3
It was a splendid log cabin, it had plenty of overgrown weeds, lots of rose bushes and many tall birch trees. Without it going through Jacks mind he shoved the small hobbit door open and he was in. It had a circular table, stained glass windows, 3 beds from big to small, an aluminium sink and lovely Formica counter top.
 Without really hesitating he went upstairs to the sitting room and that’s when he saw it, a green goblin wearing a blue swimsuit, a chicken for a hat oh and human on his wardrobe Jack didn’t care that much about that. He saw the goblin walking towards the wardrobe slowly dragging a sausage out the never ending cupboard he also had a blade in the other hand but Jack wasn’t really worried about that the sausage scared him the most. He sprinted down the stairs out the door and the started the 1 mile journey with Emma back to the door.