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Welcome to 5K!

by Miss A King (st-johns-pri)

Pages 2 and 3 of 17

Welcome to 5K!
Your Teachers
Mrs Seymour
Head Teacher
Miss King
Class Teacher
Mrs Shingadia
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Ringham
Other Adults Here to Help
Mrs Seymour
Head Teacher
Mrs Hedges
Deputy Head
Ms Lyne
Assistant Head
Upper School Lead
Mrs Ringham
Mrs O'Keefe
Emotional Literacy Support
Our School Day
When you arrive at school, come in through the park and follow the arrows.
Our new classroom has a lovely view of the park!
Come into school through these doors, by Nursery.
If you bring a packed lunch, put it on the Year 5 and 6 trolley at the top of the stairs.
Our School Day
Our new classroom has a lovely view of the park!
Year 5 use the girls' and boys' toilets at the top of the stairs.
When it's home time, you'll be collected from the same doors you came in.
What Shall I Bring to School?
Water Bottle
You need a water bottle, clearly marked with your name and full of water. You will need to take this home every day to be washed and filled up with fresh water.
Book Bag
Bring your book bag every day. Our classrooms are small, so please don't bring huge bags.
PE Kit
Blue shorts
Plain navy joggers and sweatshirt
Pale blue t-shirt or polo
Pumps or trainers
Our School Uniform
At St John's we are very proud of looking smart and tidy by wearing the right uniform. Here is a reminder of what you should wear.
Blue jumper
Blue shirt
School tie
Grey skirt, trousers or dress
Grey, blue or white socks or tights
Black school shoes
Please put your name on everything you bring into school so it doesn't get lost.
Year 5 Topics!
We learn about all these fun things and more!
Freedom Fighters
All the World's a Stage!
Learn all about women and men who changed history to make our lives better.
Find out about William Shakespeare and the terrible Tudors!
The Islamic Golden Age
Explore the ancient city of Baghdad and how it influenced the world.
Earth Explorers
Materials Matter
Learn about sorting, separating and recycling in our super science topic!
Can't wait to see you in Year 5!