Book Creator

Indigenous E-Book 2019

by Samantha Golding

Pages 6 and 7 of 109

Stolen Child
My child has been stolen
I feel empty
It happened when the sky was golden
There was pain a plenty
I tried to save him
But my world concaved in
I thought to myself
“Is this real?”
I can’t believe my child has been stolen
I have to get him back
I am nothing without him
As I search the city for days
And nights
We found nothing
No traces
As I fell to the ground
Balling my eyes out
I will never see my son ever

Mason Oborn
The Arrival of the First Fleet

One day my two brothers and I were sitting at the beach, playing in the cold, wet sand. Then a big raft came, cutting through the small tough waves. When the big raft reached the shore heaps of people like us, but white, came piling out. They held mysterious sticks on their waists. I closed my eyes and turned around as they walked towards me. I heard them walk right past me, but then one of them came up to me up to me and asked something, but I didn’t understand. So he walked off with the rest of them. They came back with stick and with a bit of colourful cloth on it. They dug it into the ground and stood there and looked at it. The next day I was sleeping and I woke up to a big bang! I walked outside to see the people using their mysterious sticks, fire came out and a small rock came out and hit my Dad in the chest. I ran back inside in shock and told my two brothers. We held onto each other as we waited for what would happen next…

Madaline Dunker
The Arrival of the First Fleet

One day my two brothers and I were sitting at the beach, playing in the cold, wet sand. Then a big raft came, cutting through the small tough waves. When the big raft reached the shore heaps of people like us, but white, came piling out. They held mysterious sticks on their waists. I closed my eyes and turned around as they walked towards me. I heard them walk right past me, but then one of them came up to me up to me and asked something, but I didn’t understand. So he walked off with the rest of them. They came back with stick and with a bit of colourful cloth on it. They dug it into the ground and stood there and looked at it. The next day I was sleeping and I woke up to a big bang! I walked outside to see the people using their mysterious sticks, fire came out and a small rock came out and hit my Dad in the chest. I ran back inside in shock and told my two brothers. We held onto each other as we waited for what would happen next…

Madaline Dunker