Book Creator

Going Coastal 2019

by PLP 8

Pages 2 and 3 of 26

Oregon Trip
Replace this box with a map shows Vancouver to Newport, then add a drawing tracing the route of our trip.
I want to see a wolf cause I think they are really cute and I love seeing animals. Also I haven’t seen a wolf since probably grade 2 when I did the grouse grind with my mom.
Oregon Day 1
Travelling South with a stop at Cabela's!
I like this video cause we were going across a 7 km bridge. It had a really pretty view of the Columbia River. Also we were on our way to go the Astoria Column which I was excited for.
The Astoria Column
The Astoria Column is 125 feet tall and is covered on the outside by a painting that depicts the history of Lewis and Clark’s expedition
I did many sports and tried so many different varieties but I only stuck with one
Oregon Day 2
Fort Stevens
Today while at fort Stevens I learned that they had many guns and cannons that they used. There were 2 cannons that were really dangerous they had to shut down. When they shut them down they had to put a concrete cover overtop because the Japanese might bomb it. The Japanese also would not know that it is not in operation. They also had to shut down the cannons cause every time they lowered it back into the room all the soldiers had to move to a save place so they wouldn’t suffocate in all the smoke from the cannons.
High Life Adventures
I think that things like this are important because if you live in a small town you normally have to drive a while to get to most big attractions. It also keeps you having fun in your small town and with your community.
Today I had flaming beef which is beef served on fire.